The world is not kind to us

The world is not kind to us.   One moment of a way, another moment of another. When the mind fights itself, Why is it so hard to find a common ground?   When thoughts get overboard, And you draw flak The thoughts need that. Or not? Why is it so hard to pacify your…


खुला हैं आसमान, बहती है हवा सोचती हूँ की मैं भी उड़ जाऊँ फैला दूं अपने पंखों को शिखरों को छूँ जाऊँ | उड़ती रहू आकाश में गाते हुए सौं गीत एक दुविधा मन में है लेकिन खुद से ना हो जाऊ भयभीत | खुद काट ना डालु इन पंखों को मैं ऊद्विग्न हो ना मन जाएँ यात्रा है और लंबी चलनी हैं कई राहें | ऐ मन तुझको संभालू मैं तू पंखों को देना संबल दृढ़ होती हूँ उड़ानों के प्रेम मे बन जाती हूँ मैं सबल | आत्मविश्वास समेट कर पक्षी मैं बन जाऊँ फैला दूं अपने पंखों को शिखरों को छूँ जाऊँ | PS. My attempt at Hindi poetry for the first time after 10th standard. Long time it has been! Credit for featured image: Image by…


Alive and broken… And overwhelmed…. Longing for the benign.   In shackles of desperation, The built of my dreams! Aloud they are: the morose screams. Mutinous seems the jagged sojourn. For all the answers the mind yearns. In the realms of solitude, I seek solace; Puzzled at times by the bygone days…  I trudge along…